Debate both sides logically and emotionally
Fire Security Access C..., Politics, Religionlove9099both sides, catholics, church, clinton, complaints, debate, feelings, Fire Alarm, health, Larry Love, life, mormons, negative, Peak Alarm, politics, purchases, religion, salt alek, Salt Lake, spock, trump, UL2050, UT, Utah, uth
Today March 12 2013
Seikoshta lesson 022313 attitude consequences positive thinking motives
Education, Karate Martial Artslove9099change your thoughts change your life, consequences, Instructor, karate, Karate class, Larry Love, larry love utah, life, loving, poor people, poor thoughts, rich thoughts, saykoshta, seikoshta, success, successful thinking, thought process, why am I such
Apathy Religion Family and Life
Talents and hobbies
Education, family, Religionlove9099CERT, choir, cooking, girls karate, immigration help, karate, Karate lessons, life, love of cooking, love of eating, love of singing, talents, what are you known for, womens Karate