Worlds Larry Love has lived in Picture I took while in Guatemala 2010. This is a different world. Read More family, Fire Security Access C..., Education, CERT Preparation, Immigration, Karate Martial Arts, Music, Politics, Religion, Rosaries and Crosses, Español SpanishLarry LoveNovember 29, 2019Peak AlarmArmy National Guard, Arm, Army, Military Police, 625th MP, 625 MP, 625 MP Unit, Larry G Love, Larry Love, Magna, Salt Lake, Rose Park, Security, Fire Alarm, Delgate, Church, Mormon, LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ, Police Chaplain, Larry, Larry Love Utah, Peak Alarm, Fire and Security Specialits, Davis Security, American Security and Fire, Horses, Marilyn Gordon, Lizeth Love, Life Story, DOPL, DOPL Alarm Board, Construction trades commission, Utah State Fire Marshal, Police, Salt Lake City Police Department, Unified Police Department, Reader, Read, cooking, hiking, Church leadership, Catholic Church, filipino, Philipino, Guatemalan, Culture, food, Dance, Singing, Music, Sterling Scholar, Clarinet, flute, Vocalist, piano, Mormon MIssionary, ARmy, Army National Guard Military Police, Military Policeman, law enforcement, OC Tanner, Emergency Management, FEMA, CERT, activist, LULACComment
Debate both sides logically and emotionally Fire Security Access C..., Politics, Religionlove9099June 10, 2016both sides, catholics, church, clinton, complaints, debate, feelings, Fire Alarm, health, Larry Love, life, mormons, negative, Peak Alarm, politics, purchases, religion, salt alek, Salt Lake, spock, trump, UL2050, UT, Utah, uthComment
LULAC Utah Press release applauds Peruvian producer Education, family, Politics, Religionlove9099May 4, 20162013 Prodigal, 2016 Prodigal son musical, Andres Paredes, El Hijo Prodigo, Español, Jewish, Lulac, Musical, news release, Peru, Peruvian, Pioneer, press release, Prodigal, Salt Lake, Spanish, The Prodigal Son, Utah, Utah LulacComment
Letter to UTAH LULAC members Education, Español Spanish, Immigration, Politicslove9099February 12, 2016Director Estatal, Larry Love, Lulac, Salvador Lazalde, State Director, Utah, Utah LulacComment
Utah LULAC Español Spanish, Politicslove9099February 12, 2016carta para Utah LULAC, Director Estatal, Larry Love, Lulac, Salvador Lazalde, State Director, Utah, Utah LulacComment
Charlene Albarran for congress Education, Politicslove9099February 12, 20162nd District, Albarran, Charlene Albarran, Chris Stewart, Congress, congressional, democrat, Larry Love, Lulac, republican, UtahComment
Director Estatal de Utah Lulac Larry Love Education, Español Spanish, Immigration, Politicslove9099February 3, 2016Director Estatal, Director Estatal Larry Love, Larry Love, Larry Love State Director, Lulac, Margaret Moran, New State Director, Roger Rocha, Salvador Lazalde, State Director, Utah, Utah LulacComment
Professor Lowry Nelson LDS Letters Politics, Religion, Rosaries and Crosseslove9099October 3, 201512 apostles, antimormon, apostle, apostles, blacks, LDS, lowry, mormons, nelsen, priesthood, Prophet, raceComment
Immigration options Ilegal Immigration, Immigration, Politicslove9099August 24, 2015border, border crossing, crossing, deport them, documents, Hispanic, iileagal, ilegal immigration, illegal, immigration, immigration reform, immigration solutions, jail, legal immigration, prison, put them in jail, undocumented, wetback, what shall we doComment
After major disasters work your plan CERT Preparation, Education, Fire and Security Prot..., Fire Security Access C..., Politics, Safety Traininglove9099June 15, 201572 horu kit, 72 hour kit, 96 hour kit, CERT, CERT classes in Utah, CERT Training, city plan, earthquake, emergency plan, flood, how can I prepare, how do I prepare, Larry Love, mitigation, plan for emergency, prepare, react, SLC, Utah, what can I do, what do I do after an earthquakeComment
Larry Love new Deputy State Director of Utah Lulac Español Spanish, Immigration, Politicslove9099June 6, 2015Deputy State Director, Farwest, Keith Atkinson, Keith J- Atkinson, Kelly Arollo, Kelly Ruiz, Larry Love, league of united Latin american citizens, Lulac, Lulac officers, salt lake city, Salvador Lazalde, State Chaplain, State Director, Utah, Utah LulacComment
The Inn Between in Poplar Grove Glendale Utah Education, Fire and Security Prot..., Fire Security Access C..., Politics, Religionlove9099April 29, 2015camp by, camping, Catholic, clinic, complaining, Concerns, drug dealers, drugs, dying homeless, Episcopal, frustrations, fundraiser, Glendale, gone but not forgoten, gone but not forgotten, homeless, homeless shelter, hospice, hospital, Inn Between, Kim Correa, Larry Love, love thy neighbor, Mormon, new project, Non profit, Poplar Grove, Poplar Grove news, river, salt lake city, shelter, SLC, terminally ill, The Inn, The Inn Between, upset neighbors, Utah, volunteer, volunteers, worriesComment
Obamacare signup far from fixed Education, family, Politicslove9099February 21, 2014healthcare scam, healthcare-gov, healthcare-org, obamacare, problems with obamacare system, signup for healthcare, signup for obamacare, website issues healthcare, website issues obamacareComment
Disappointed with Republican Party Politicslove9099December 16, 2013democrats, disappointed in republicans, Larry Love, political problems, politics, republicans, salt lake city, Utah, utah politicsComment
Neighborhood emergency plan CERT training for disasters CERT Preparation, Education, Politics, Safety Traininglove9099February 23, 2013area plan, CERT, Community, disaster plan, Emergency, emergency plan, Larry Love, neighborhood, outline for disaster plan, plan, salt lake city, Utah, what to do after an earthquakeComment
Gay Scout leaders or not? Education, Politics, Religionlove9099February 13, 2013Catholic, Gay, gay leaders, gay scout leaders, gay scout masters, gay scoutmasters, gay scouts, gays, issue of gay leaders, LDS, LDS Gay scouts, Mormon Church, scoutsComment
Words of wisdom from my wife Education, family, Politics, Religionlove9099January 21, 2013don't explain, don't explain to foolish, don't explain to your enemies, donkey and the old man, donkey and the young girl, donkey storey, donkey story, friends don't need explainations, storey of the donkey, story of the donkey, wisdom, wisdom from my wife, wise wordsComment
Interfaith Statement on Immigration Ilegal Immigration, Immigration, Politics, Religionlove9099December 18, 2012ilegal, illegal immigration, illegal mexicans, immigration, immigration debate, immigration law, immigration reform, interfaith statement on immigration, religious debate, undocumentedComment
Tow the line politically Politicslove9099November 7, 2012hate in the party, local politics in Utah, political extreemists, republican feelings, thoughts of a local delegate, voting straight ticketComment
Choosing a virgin or an experienced lover Education, family, Politics, Religionlove9099October 26, 2012Bring God back into your life, Christian teachings about sex, God and Sex, going to hell, homosexuals, including God in teaching your children, premarital sex, Sex and youth, Sex before marriage, Sex education in the home, Teach the children about GodComment