Focus on what you want more of
Education, family, positivepodcasts, Religionlove9099depression, helping, Larry Love, love, loving, mother teresa, positive thinking, Salt Lake, thinking, Utah, you get more of what you think about
Seikoshta lesson 022313 attitude consequences positive thinking motives
Education, Karate Martial Artslove9099change your thoughts change your life, consequences, Instructor, karate, Karate class, Larry Love, larry love utah, life, loving, poor people, poor thoughts, rich thoughts, saykoshta, seikoshta, success, successful thinking, thought process, why am I such
Good Evil trates a process
Education, Religionlove9099admiration, anger, avarice, donate time and money, envy, giving, Good and Evil, gratitutde, happy, hate of truth, joy, love, loving, lust, serve others, vengeance