Security Priorities
What is most important to you?
To be informed of a water leak near toilets, fridge, dishwasher and basement?
To be informed if the Temperature drops belongs 41 degrees F so you can get someone over to the home to get the heat back on before the pipes freeze because if they freeze when they thaw out there is a high possibility that they will burst and cause a flood.
To have your water automatically shut off if there is a leak to prevent dampage?
To be informed of a break in so you can protect your valuables?
To have monitored Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors so Peak Alarm will dispatch the fire department to save the lives of you and your family?
To get an insurance discount for security, temp, water and fire sensors?
Most of the time the most important things are not things but your family although if this is a second home then property protection may be the most important.
Call Larry Love in Utah for a no cost evaluation for security, fire, temp and ideas to help you with what is important to you. Larry Love 801 898 6003
Larry is now with Johnson Controls Fire Protection JCI Larry has been in the security fire industry for over 28 years. Johnson Controls has a security division although we do not do residential systems.