My Son Osmar getting ready to go to Guatemala
My wife's new scooter MC D150F
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Some of the Activities Larry Love in Salt Lake City has been involved with in the last few of years.
How much do I need to move out of my parents home?
So your getting your drivers license?
Marketing answer from my wife about Rosaries and Immigration information.
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Why do they come into the United States illegally?
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Catholic Rosaries
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Working with your heart in art and music
Handmade Rosaries and Necklaces in Utah
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Rosarios en Utah hecho por mano
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Algo interesante
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Loving life as it is
Bathroom experiences
Life in the love home in 2010
Great quotes
So you want to move out of your parents house?
So your going to get your drivers permit?
Making fun of others is a sign that you may need help.
Poem by Larry and Michelle and added to by Daris