Tory Sheyn and Dazholi are in Cancun today, Kaneasha, Josh and Grandson Parker Hess are moving to Idaho tomorrow, Josue (Josh) Mejicanos lives in Orem in his own apartment and has two jobs but has other plans in the works for school and starting up a new business, Michelle is now working more hours and has plans to move out in two years and go to Long Beach to go to College and study physical therapy, Junior (Osmar) is in Guatemala till Aug 20th with Grandma playing soccer and being immersed in Spanish and we miss him quite a bit. (Michelle even misses him) Osmar has plans to be a lawyer when he gets older. Lizeth has been sick and gone to see the doctor twice in the last 2 months and now she is getting better. We even went to have acupuncture done to see if that would help.
I have been helping the City teach CERT courses two nights a week along with my full time job and part time job as a medical interpreter for Linguistica International. I am also a County delegate this year. I have been in 3 Choirs and lead two which has been really fun. We are still making gemstone necklaces and rosaries at home and we have them listed on our site above. I got the chance to help my brother in law Augie with a Safety training class with his new business and that was an eye opener. My mom has been in the Hospital and now is in a rehabilitation center to get her strength back after having a pacemaker put in and various complications.
I have kept up with the Saturday Karate classes although I am almost ready to end this session and start a new one up. When you don't charge many times I feel the student take the lessons for granted by coming late and not practicing. This year I would like to clean up my house, work and life by getting rid of things I don't use and spending more time with my family. I have also spent some time writing here and there about different topics. Some of those items are here on my blog and others are not. I am very proud of all my kids and the best part of father's day was getting a hug and kiss from my wife and then having Michelle come up and hug me from behind while I was making breakfast.