Immigration applications
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We have MP3 audio files with important advice about our situation and what we did to get a visa. We also have a 21 page written report that can assist you in your efforts to get legal the right way. These files are something you need to buy. This investment will pay off and it is much less than even 30 minutes of speaking to a lawyer. We also advice you to get a lawyer but after listening to our advice so you will know some of the tricks they use on you and how you can save time and money doing some of the things yourself.
Click on the Spanish Link above or on the flag on my site to change to Spanish Haga un clic en el sitio de ayuda con papeles o vaya a mi sitio y haga un clic en la bandera de España para Español
I don't know why applying legally has to be so hard and complicated, once I found out how hard it was I was upset. My wife agrees that people should obey the law yet many cases are very complicated and the Government will not work with people but only with FORMS and each one costs lots of money. We actually asked to have many of the forms be submitted without the fee because we ran out of money. Some were accepted without the fee but most were still rejected. The lawyer actually told us that if my wife was a drug dealer it would be easier for him to help. Since she had no criminal record, has never worked under another name and since we are not rich we ended up paying the lawyer over $5,000 and then doing the next $7,000 dollars worth of paperwork ourselves.
When ICE showed up at the door one morning and told lies to get into the home they then arrested my wife without showing a deportation order or a warrant. Later they had her sign a legal paper in English stating the everything had been explained in Spanish and that was also concerning. Later ICE issued me, an American Citizen an Alien registration number (A#) which obviously was an error and I have written several letters but non of them have been answered and we even went to our Senator (Hatch) in Utah to try to get answers and they needed a signed release form and that was over 2 years ago and we have still not heard back.
When ICE showed up at the door one morning and told lies to get into the home they then arrested my wife without showing a deportation order or a warrant. Later they had her sign a legal paper in English stating the everything had been explained in Spanish and that was also concerning. Later ICE issued me, an American Citizen an Alien registration number (A#) which obviously was an error and I have written several letters but non of them have been answered and we even went to our Senator (Hatch) in Utah to try to get answers and they needed a signed release form and that was over 2 years ago and we have still not heard back.