North Pole amusement park Colorado bad experience

Customer service classes may be in order

North Pole Amusement Park with Santa's Workshop in Colorado may need to send their employees and or owners to customer service training

My daughter and her husband with my three grandchildren went to the North Pole Amusement Park in Colorado and my daughter's account of the experience is concerning.

Many of the reviews that I read online were excellent saying that it was a fun park. Some people feel the rides are old and should be updated but the rides are old because they basically collect and refurbish older rides.

My daughter said the food was not very good and it was over priced which is what we would all expect from an amusement park but when she recounted her experience with the owner Tom Haggard I was concerned.

My daughter arrived at the park and they were only able to ride on three rides in an hour and then the park was shut down because of rain. The park did not offer rain checks or passes to return at a later date, but what concerns me more was the attitude of the person that attended my daughter and her family. She said he was rude. If indeed Tom Haggard really is the owner of this park it is sad that my daughter got the perception of rudeness from him. If their policy won't allow for rain checks or free passes for another day or even discounted tickets he runs the risk of unhappy customers which means that advertising by word of mouth will be less than positive. Just the facebook post was able to reach quite a few people.

So if policy won't allow them to give out rain checks (Free passes or discount passes) was it necessary that he treat a customer in a rude manner.

So I am not discouraging you from going to the North Pole Amusement Park although I would say make sure it is not on a rainy day and be careful not to talk to the owner on a bad day either. I am sure the owner has his own version of the encounter although when I went through customer service classes I learned rule number one which is "The customer is always right" and when there is a problem with that rule refer back to rule number one again "The Customer is always right."

My daughter was with her husband and three small children which were excited to ride on the rides only to learn that the park was closing because of the rain. So a young mother is dealing with crying kids, wet kids and now she is being told they have to go home.

I wonder if it would have been terribly hard for the owner to take my daughter aside and provide her with some free passes to return. If this would have been her experience she would have posted a glowing review for The North Pole Amusement Park online and on facebook which would have sent more customers to his place of business.

As a side note, I was not there so I only heard about the experience by word of mouth from my daughter. Just from that encounter I would choice to go to a different park. My dad taught me a wonderful lesson that I try to live by. "If you have to choose between being right or kind, always choose kind."