17 points of the true Church Español Spanish, Religionlove9099February 18, 201417 points of the true church, 17 puntos de la iglesia verdadera, Christ's church, doctrine, encuentra iglesia, encuentra la iglesia, find the true church, find true church, iglesia, looking for the only, Mormon, puntos, señales de la iglesia verdadera, signs of the true church, SUD, verdaderaComment
Sacrament Prayers read in Spanish comes out in English Education, Español Spanish, Religionlove9099February 18, 2014Cena, Hispanic helps to read Sacrament prayer, Leer en español y sale en Ingles, Mormon Sacrament, Mormon Sacrament Prayer for Spanish Speakers, oracion, oracion de la santa cena, oraciones, Santa, santa cena, SUD, SUD oracionComment