Posts tagged Poor Customer Service
Review of Peak Alarm in Salt Lake City Utah negative reviews
Fire and Security Prot..., Fire Security Access C...love9099alarms, bad customer service, billing, certified, complaints, Concerns, customer reviews, Fire Alarm, issues, negative comments, negative issues, negative Peak Alarm, negative reviews, Peak Alarm, Peak Alarm complaints, Peak Alarm problems, Poor Customer Service, problems, problems with, reviews, salt lake city, security systems, UL 2050, UL2050, Utah
Obamacare web site aca
Education, Reviewslove9099aca complaints, aca website, affordable care act, bronze, bugs, catastrophic, gold, Government, health, health application, health coverage, healthcare-gov, IN PROGRESS, insurance, insurance marketplace, Larry Love, marketplace, obamacare, obamacare complaints, obamacare web, poor chat, Poor Customer Service, problems signing up for healthcare, review of healthcare, review of obamacare, review of obamacare site, Salt Lake, salt lake city, sign up for obamacare, silver, Utah, www-heathcare-gov
Thumbs down for CenturyLink Customer Service and repair
Education, Reviewslove9099CentryLink poor customer relations, Century Link, CenturyLink, CenturyLInk Complaints, CenturyLink issues, CenturyLink not up to par, CenturyLink problems, CenturyLink rating, CenturyLink Service, Compare CenturyLink, Comparing CenturyLink, no cando attitude with centurylink, poor communication at CenturyLInk, Poor Customer Service, Qwest, Qwest rating, Sad experience with CenturyLink, Should I switch to CenturyLink, Thumbs down, What do you think of CenturyLink