The Prodigal Son Musical

Music and Script by Andres Paredes a Peruvian Composer. Collen McKnight directed the production and Daniel Tuutau played the part of the son and besides being the main soloist also directed the choir. At the last minute we had the privileged of being joined by Cactus Jack a well known vocalist from Australia. If you missed the Stake Production you can view it on youtube at the link below.

The Salt Lake Pioneer Stake of Zion Presented the production "The Prodigal Son Musical"

This is me, do I look like a wise old man? This is from a recent production I was in. The beard is real if your wondering.

This production was put on by members of the LDS/Mormon Pioneer Stake with volunteer cast, crew, choir and dancers. The budget was very limited so we did not have money for a professional sound system or lighting. We had members of the church donate their time to build a stage extension which you can see in the Musical. Brother Harris and his family did most of the work on the Stage. He has one of his sons service a full time mission for the Church. These 18 year old boys and Sisters (a bit older) go on missions, pay for their missions, take time out of their education and work to serve the Lord for 18 months to 2 years.

Cast of the Prodigal Son Musical

A Stake is a group of Wards and Branches. A Ward a smaller unit of the LDS Church is made up of a few hundred people and a stake normally has around 6 wards. A branch is normally a bit smaller although not always. Branches normally are in remote areas of the world or here in Salt Lake City many branches are put together so people can hear the gospel in their own languages and serve as a transition until people can move into an English Ward.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints otherwise known as Mormons or LDS believe in God and his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Members of the Church believe Jesus visited the Americas after his resurrection as recorded in The Book of Mormon.

To learn more about the Church click on the link below or go to

Larry Love in Center with Beard

Stake President Todd Maybe

Quartet from the musical

Link to the performance