When to reuse existing alarm equipment

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Call Larry Love (801) 428 1384 Larry@peakalarm.com http://www.peakalarm.com

LLame Larry y el puede ayudarles en tu idioma tambien

When I visit someones home to make recommendations of what equipment to reuse if any I look for a few things:

1. Are the smoke detectors over 10 years old, if so they should be replaced. This refers to smoke detectors tied to your alarm system. You should also replace your old 120 Volt smokes with 9 volt battery backup that are not tied to your alarm. You should have at least one smoke detector up and one down that is tied to the system so the authorities will be alerted when you are not there.

2. I look for hardwired zones because Peak Alarm can simply add a take over module and monitor existing hardwired zones. Depending on the size of your system we can use different brands to accomplish this.

3. I look for the brand and model numbers of the equipment. Often we can reuse wireless equipment by adding a module or special receiver which will save you money and we will simply put new batteries in those devices. Keep in mind that if you reuse existing wireless devices most of the time they are not encrypted. When we install a new Qolsys or DMP system that is wireless you will have the peace of mind that the encryption will make it so hackers cannot defeat your system from out front of your home. www.qolsys.com

4. If you want to use your old loud siren we will need to add a relay and a power supply. It is quite simple but it does cost a bit more if you are going to one of the new systems that has the siren built in.

5. Consider water sensors, temp sensors if the temperature drops below 41 you can get notified before the pipes freeze and then cause a flood when they thaw. Monitoring for water and temperature is wise and can mitigate possible problems.

6. I look for existing wiring and how it was done.

7. Give me a call and I can come out and look at your system and make some recommendations. 801 428 1384 Larry@peakalarm.com

8. Monitoring typically costs between $45 and $55 dollars. When I bundle the system I can lower the overall costs of monitoring

Examples: $30 Typical Monitoring cost $10 Typical cellular monthly charge $5 Typical interactive (Elite) to alarm remote arm and disarm using your cellular $10 Typical charge for areas like Salt Lake or WVC to have a guard respond since police won't. (Peak has their own guards/patrol) $7 Starts at $7 and goes up depending on the size of the security system for a repair agreement extended warrantyWhen I do a bundle I can offer some discounts.$25 Monitoring $13 Interactive $7 Repair agreement $10 Alarm responseTotal $55 per month for a home or business in Salt Lake with alarm response. Most companies start interactive at $49 without alarm response or a repair agreement. Without alarm response it would be $45 If you add camera control that adds $10 per month for 1-4 cameras for cameras that are part of the security system. When they are separate there is not a monthly fee. Most companies use a third party central station or an out of state central station. Peak Alarm is local and employees over 300 people here in Utah and Idaho.

When you are a senior citizen we can lock your monitoring rate in for life so please call me about this. I don't know of any company that does this in Salt Lake.