Perception is reality at least someone's reality ?

Would you get close to her? Contact Larry Love at Peak Alarm

(801) 428 1384 Fire Alarm, Access Control, Security, Cameras and Intercom.

Some say that perception is reality and really if a person thinks that your company sucks in the service area then this is their perception and they pass on their perceptions to others and this becomes reality for many people whether we like it or not. So we need to strive to keep the perceptions of others positive in order to move forward as a great business. What we think of ourselves matters somewhat although what others think of us in the business world really does matter and perception becomes their reality.

I have looked online for negative information about Peak Alarm and I have found several comments although a few of them appear to be written by the same person. I then started researching these negative comments and found that one person that made several comments had not paid their bill and was upset that Peak Alarm wanted to collect money that was due. After meeting with accounting, the CEO and the President of Peak Alarm I found that Peak takes all of these negative comments seriously and uses them as a way to improve the company. If indeed someone at Peak is speaking in a negative manner to a customer, action will be taken and this will be corrected or they will no longer be able to work here. All of our phone lines are recorded lines and management often goes back for training purposes to listen to conversations we have had with customers to make sure we are treating them in a professional manner. I will say that Accounting can transfer you to a non recorded line and that is to protect your credit card information or your checking account information. Other than that all the other lines are recorded.

When Peak Alarm messes up our CEO explained that we learn from it, we strive to improve and try to not let that same thing happen again in the future. Our President of our company wants Peak Alarm to have a good positive image and he does his best to oversee that the company is moving in a forward direction. Peak Alarm pays their insurance, Peak Alarm pays their use tax and other taxes that are due including workers compensation insurance and liability and auto insurance. Since we have 270 employees Peak ends up dealing with People issues just like any other company. When you have an issue you can actually call our office and speak with the President or CEO or even the owner. With many large companies this is not the case.

Peak Alarm has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. In the last 3 years Peak Alarm has had 3 complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau and all three of them are closed. One complaint was about the product and 2 complaints were billing complaints. One of our competitors has changed their name 3 times and has had over 3490 complaints filed in the last 3 years and over 1200 in the last year alone. Many of our competitors are not BBB accredited. This competitor has had law suits filed against them in multiple states. For this reason we suggest that you check the Better Business Bureau profile of every company that you intend to get pricing from. This company also had hired several lawyers to deal with not only the law suits but with the complaints. They also hired Internet companies to try to improve their image and perception and they have paid quite a bit of money to do just that and it appears to be working when when you do internet searches you get redirects and many of the top page results have been paid results to push the negative down several pages. Here at Peak Alarm we have not paid for those type of services so when we have very few negative comments the perception seems like there are more since we have not suppressed the negative like our competitors.

Peak Alarm is not only learning from our mistakes but we are learning from the mistakes of others so we can become a better more professional company. We have been encouraged to take responsibility for any phone call even if it does not apply to us or our department so we strive to handle or resolve the situation without having to push the person off to other departments. Being a solution based company is our goal so we look for ways to solve our customers challenges.

When a comment is made on the Internet whether positive or negative it can make a real difference in your business. Some companies pay large sums of money to suppress the negative even hiring lawyers or paying people to remove negative comments. Peak Alarm has only had 3 negative complaints filed in the last 3 years on the Better Business Bureau yet we have had other comments posted on the Internet and they did not file them with the BBB because they know that an investigation will be done and what it will turn up. When a person does not pay their bills and gets upset when the company wants to collect they often will make up reasons as to why they don't want to pay saying the system has never worked or that our employees were rude to them like that would make it ok not to pay your bills. When this happens our management goes back and listens to those conversations to see if any of them are valid or not in order to use these experiences as a training tool.