Peak Alarm Monitoring options

Home Show Oct 2014

Did you know you can control your garage door, lights, security,cameras & thermostat using your smart phone? Call Larry Love for a free consultation (801) 428 1384

Basic Rates 36 Month Contract - Systems as low as $99 installed and $39/mo

The $39 per month is $29 monitoring and $10 cellular communication

We can do a 24 month contract or even a 12 month contract although the equipment would cost more because we could not subsidize the cost of the equipment with the monitoring.

Monthly monitoring charges can very depending on several factors:

Normal Monitoring $35/mo (can be less depending on adding other options)

Elite remote control of your arming and disarming including cellular only $5 more which comes to $15/mo.

Alarm response includes 4 guard patrol responses/yr at $10/mo. This is great for Salt Lake because the police do not respond to alarms because of their Non Response Policy.

Remote Camera Control up to 4 Cameras $10/mo with PeakView. We have other camera systems that will allow you remote viewing in other ways. Our Systems come in entry level, mid range and enterprise systems.

Standard Cellular $10 per month

High Supervision Cellular listed for Fire Alarm $22/mo and this sends out signals every 6 minutes.

Elevator Monitoring $15/mo

If you want the cost of the annual fire inspection we can have you pay that monthly so it is not a large charge annually.

Lighting control $4/mo

Garage door control $4/mo

Lock Control $4/mo

Openings and Closings with User ID $5/mo. This is what I have at my home so I get an email every time my home security system is armed or disarmed so I know when the kids get home and when they leave.

Partitions $12/mo when it is a different call list. If it is the same call list then we don't charge any extra. Partitions allow you to say put in one security panel and rent out 8 units and all would be connected to your same security panel and each keypad would have codes that only work on that keypad allowing your renters to have their own security system and you could charge them say $20 per month and we would only charge you $12. This is a great option when you lease out areas in your building.

Repair agreements allow you to reduce the cost of any future repairs so you would not pay the normal $100/hr residential labor rate or $130/hour commercial rate but if you have a repair agreement we would come and and repair your system without the labor charges. The equipment that we provide and install has a one year warranty and the labor has a 90 day warranty. Keep in mind that acts of God and vandalism do not fall under the repair agreement. If your employee or someone else smashes your motion detector with the fork lift that would be a matter for your insurance company etc...

Service Retainer - When we do not monitor your home or business and you would like Peak Alarm to come out and fix your system we will need $120 and a signed contract or $10 per month for a year so you will then be a Peak Alarm customer.

Schedules $10/mo (Early to open, late to close or late to open) If you have a store and the employees are getting their late you will be notified if the system is not disarmed by a certain time. If they stay to late or open up too early you will be notified.

WEB ACCESS $5 allows you to go into your account and view history events so you could check on these things yourself.

Radio Service $15 per month. Peak Alarm would install an AES radio communicator that would take the place of your phone lines. The great part about a Radio or cellular unit is that if your phone lines are cut the system can still send alarms with the Radio or Cellular. Many businesses pay over $30 per month for analog lines especially if they are dedicated analog lines for fire alarm.

Text or email notification $5/mo

Video Verification $10/mo

PeakLink Image Sensor $15/mo - This camera takes snapshots at the time of the alarm allowing you to view what is happening at that moment. This is separate than the IP Cameras on PeakLink or PeakView systems.

Emailed reports $5/mo

Managed Access for access control systems up to 100 cards $35/mo Peak Alarm would enter new users and delete employees cards that you let go. This small charge will help you manage your access control system. Access control systems allow you to give an employee a prox card and assign them specific doors that they can access and specific hours that they can access those doors. Typically access control doors cost anywhere from $2000 to $3000 each door depending on the system you buy and how far the door is from your system and how difficult the wire is to get from point A to point B. Call Larry 801 428 1384 and he will come out and give you a quote. Peak Alarm has entry level access control systems, midrange systems and enterprise systems that would allow you to control several buildings of access control instead of just one building.

These prices are subject to change so please call to get current pricing. The prices are also subject to special discounts for things such as how many buildings you are monitoring. If you have 34 accounts we can arrange a bulk discount on some of the services. If you add Guard Patrol or Standing Guard service we can arrange a package deal with Don in our Patrol division.

Be careful about purchasing specific systems for your business that might be better suited for a home or a small business. An example would be our PeakLink system which is the 2GiG panel. It allows you to remotely control the system using your smart phone but it cannot partition and has other limitations so if you want those features and your building is larger we have a great higher end option that would still allow remote control of your system using your cell phone.
