Check on the Better Business Bureau official web site Better Business Bureau Web site enter your zip code and then look up the company. Be sure to read each company report if they have several listed. Some of the companies have changed their names several times. Peak Alarm has had 3 complaints filed in the last 3 years and all complaints have been resolved.
Be sure to check each company that you get bids from on the Better Business Bureau before you buy from them.
One of our competitors has had 3,499 complaints filed in the last 36 months as of 9/18/15 and the following is a breakout of the issues :
Advertising Sales Issues 451
Billing and collection issues 771
Delivery issues 25
Guarantee/Warranty issues 27
Problems with product or service 2224
Total complaints 3499
This alarm company has a D+ rating with the BBB and they are not accredited. This company has changed their name several three times.
Peak Alarm has an A+ rating with the BBB and they are accredited. Peak has never changed their name in the last 46 years of business. Peak Alarm has their own UL listed Central Station that is 5 Diamond Certified (One of 200 UL listed Central Stations in the country that is both UL and 5 Diamond rated.
Peak has 270 employees and when a company gets larger sometimes it is a challenge to get to the right person or department. For this reason Peak has ongoing monthly training that is set up to help improve employee performance. Peak Alarm takes each and every complaint seriously and we strive to resolve the issue to the best of our ability. Granted there are customers that get very upset no matter what we do. I spoke with the CEO and the President of Peak Alarm and they both agreed that they consider all negative feedback that is valid and strive to fix any issues so they do not happen again. Peak Alarm records all of their calls except the secure calls made for credit cards to keep the information personal. When complaints are filed Peak goes back and listens to the recordings to make sure that Peak Alarm employees are not stepping out of line. If there is an employee that is responding negatively to a customer they receive a warning and if positive changes do not occur then action is taken.
Peak Alarm has not paid SEO companies to remove or mitigate any negative comments and the people that have posted negative seem to have written negative comments on several pages so much of what is found online is narrowed down to just a few people. It is interesting that these people did not file their complaints with the Better Business Bureau because they know that they investigate both sides of the issue. Any large company will end up getting complaints filed against them. Looking at the 3 complaints that Peak has received in the last 3 years and comparing those three complaints to the hundreds and thousands of complaints our competitors have had filed against them actually tells the real story.
Call Larry Love x384 for additional information about Peak Alarm. (801) 428 1384 Main number is 801 486 7231 Larry@peakalarm.com
Peak Alarm web site ask for Larry