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Assisting your neighbors in times of need

When death occurs it complicates lives and affects people emotionally and financially.

As a neighbor or family member you can offer help doing everyday chores such as taking out the garbage or mowing the lawn. Often these small gestures can alleviate stress more than you know.

If you are close with your neighbor that has had a death in the family you can offer to help do the dishes or take care of the children. If they want to talk let them talk just listen. Most of the time it is best to listen rather than trying to offer advice as to how they should feel or what they should do to get over the death.

Let them cry let them remember and deal with death how they need to.

As Chaplains we provide some written material with resources although when we show up often the family is still in shock so it is not the best time to read this material so if you are family members you may help them go over the material when the time is right. A hug can help, a listening ear can help and doing basic things around the house can make a world of difference.

Prayer is a powerful tool if the family needs it. If they do not want you to pray then say a prayer in your heart and don’t force them to have a family prayer or a prayer with you. Keep them in your personal prayers.

Thank them for being a good friend and invite them on walks or out to dinner when the time is right.

If they want to talk about it let them, if they don’t then leave it alone. Don’t push your advice on people that are going through a death. When they ask for advice be very careful to be loving and pick your words carefully. Most of all keep love in your heart and be patient because there is no set time for dealing with death of a loved one.