Fire Alarm design, installation, monitoring and testing.

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Security Systems in Salt Lake City Security intrusion

Cellular Back up systems

Peak Alarm recommends that all of your systems that dial out have a redundant backup. If for any reason such as an earthquake, local phone problems or damage to outside phone lines from poles being down or if the phone lines are cut then the backup cellular system would dial the monitoring company in the event of a duress or fire. This system also will allow calls to be made off the normal phones if the phone line is cut depending on how the system is installed and your needs. This option is highly recommended. Please review the cut sheets and call Peak Alarm with any specific questions. There are backup cellular units which run $10 per month and others that are high supervision units and they are cell phones so there is a monthly fee. The high supervision units dial out every 6 minutes and the monthly fee is $22 per month. There are also other methods such as radio and internet monitoring since analog phone lines are becoming a thing of the past. Security Systems in Salt Lake City refers to Peak Alarm.