Fire Alarm design, installation, monitoring and testing.

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Life in the love home in 2010

What a great year we had in 2010 and now we look forward to a productive 2011.  In Aug I brought Michelle home from Guatemala and now she is about to get her braces off, and Jr will be getting his put on next month although he won't be going to Guatemala in order to do that this time.  Michelle just turned 15 last month and Josh turned 17. (now that this is published Michelle is 16, Josue is 18, Kaneasha is married to Josh Hess with a new baby named parker) Kaneasha got engaged in 2010 and will be getting married this year most likely in June just before her 21st birthday. Tory Sheyn is still working as assistant Store Director for Freshmarket Stores and has been there since he was 15 years old and he is 23 now soon to be 24.  

This past year we have tried several different types of foods in our home and been to different culture events as well including music programs, dancing functions with culture dances and programs with instruments and singing. I also was able to sing at the rest home around the corner although not all of the residents appreciated it. When I asked if they liked the music I got honest answers. I think some of them wanted to go back to watching TV. lol.


I remember going to a rest home as a young man to take the Church Service to them and one lady kept yelling "Play the music, Play the Music" another woman was saying "SHH SHHH" over and over and at the same time a man was louding telling them both to shut up all during the religious service that was suppose to be reverent.


Being a State Delegate for the second time has also been very rewarding along with serving as the Chairman of the Alarm Systems Board for the Division of Occupational Licensing. I also sit as a commissioner on the Construction Trades Commission as well although in March I will have to step down since I have been in the position for several years now. This past year I have taught CERT classes both in English and in Spanish and it was been very enjoyable.


In 2010 I also got a summons to jury duty which will begin Jan 6. Michelle and I attended a meeting in the Governors mansion this year together and she got to meet him and shake his hand. We went bowling just before Christmas as a family and I think Michelle liked that better than the meeting at the mansion.


We are still working with the Government System and at last count we had filled out 21 immigration forms and from our count sent almost ten thousand pages of documents and $4000 in fees not counting lawyer fees to the US Government since March of 2009. (updated as of 2012 we have sent 29 forms in and we did get a visa after much work and over 12,000 dollars in forms and lawyer fees ) The last set of forms was 410 pages each and it was sent to two locations. (810 pages with one form not counting the 410 pages we had to make for ourselves to keep in the file ) I keep asking myself why USCIS and ICE can't scan the documents and then not require that the same ones be sent in over and over but I suppose they have a reasonable reason for requiring us to  waste so many trees. Marriage does not solve immigration issues although we like to keep hope alive since the alternative is depressing. Lizeth has a very positive attitude.


A couple of months ago Michelle and I began going to the gym together on MWF and running and walking. Before that we had been running but it got too cold to run outside. Michelle is at City Academy and Jr (Osmar) is at Bryant. Osmar danced in two of the culture dances his school had and we were totally impressed with the program. (Osmar danced in his program again this year 2012 and we enjoyed going to see him and all the culture dances.) Michelle also danced in her school program as well. We remembered watching Josh dance in the school programs as well. Kaneasha has been attending college in Idaho and will soon move back to Utah. So these are a few of the things that have been happening in the Love home. We wish everyone a wonderful productive new year. Thank you to all of you that have been part of our lives.  This past year we have found that joy is found in service and striving to do things the right way.