Fire Alarm design, installation, monitoring and testing.

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Where I buy my glasses

I have bought about 5 pair of glasses from Zenni in the last 3 years and I love them. You get to try them on virtually using a picture of yourself and the cost is less than half of most stores.

A friend told me about ordering glasses online and at first I was skeptical but I thought why not give it a try. I got my prescription and eye exam from a local place for $39 dollars and then ordered two pair of glasses and they are the best glasses I have ever purchased.

Drawbacks you might ask? One would be having to wait for them to come in the mail from China. Really they come quite quickly if you ask me and the other drawback is you can't try them on or have them adjusted in a store but I bought the special mold able metal ones and adjusted them by myself. I would not go back to buying them in a store even with the drawbacks.

I spend about $120 on a pair because I upgrade everything and I have the bifocal lens without the line and the scratch resistant lens protection and you can even get the polarized lenses and all of this comes out to less than half of the cost of glasses almost anywhere else.

So, will I keep buying from The answer is obviously yes.

Here I am with my Zenni glasses on.